Monday, January 7, 2019

Well, here we are.  It's a New Year and that means it's time for the Daniel Fast.  Let me say right up front, "Thank You!" Like I said yesterday in my sermon, I do the Daniel Fast because I need it. I need it to recharge my spiritual battery. Most of you know I am a sci-fi geek and one thing that peaks my interest is any articles on perpetual motion. Scientist have tried for years to create perpetual motion. (unsuccessfully I might add)  It is the idea that something can move and work and produce enough energy on its own to continue to move and work forever.  It is the theme of many a sci-fi novel.  There is always this promised energy source of unimaginable power that will solve the universe's problem of sustainable energy.

I'd like to give those scientists a little suggestion.... stop trying.  In the universe there is one, and only one source of never ending, self sustaining energy.  And that is God!  Everything else dies.  Stars burn out.  Planets stop spinning. The Great Pyramids get reduced to dust.  Nations die. People die and love and passion fade away.  That is why we need to reconnect to the omnipotent, powerful, never changing, strength unending God.  It does not matter how much you love your spouse on your wedding day.  It doesn't matter how much you love Jesus the day you were born again. It doesn't even matter how much you love your kids or your grandkids.  Without a recharge or a reconnect, all things diminish and eventually die.

That is why I still love the ministry.  I still love the church.  I still love my wife.  I still love my kids.  All of these have hurt me deeply or disappointed me. But, I always go back to the one source that has never nor will ever fail me.  God is th source of unending forgiveness.  He is the source of infinite mercy.  He is the fountain of love that never runs dry.  He alone is unending... and that's something I need in my life.

The Daniel Fast is our opportunity to reconnect to that unending power supply.  My prayer for me and for you is that we all experience a surge of His power coursing into our minds, our hearts and even our physical bodies. I am looking forward to that recharge!


  1. Praying we experience His power in our hearts and minds as we all fast together.

  2. I look forward to this time to refocus and recharge each year.

    Everytime I feel a hunger pang, I sing in my head...
    "And find me here
    Lord as You draw me near
    Desperate for You
    Desperate for You
    I surrender
    Drench my soul
    As mercy and grace unfold
    I hunger and thirst
    I hunger and thirst
    With arms stretched wide
    I know You hear my cry
    Speak to me now
    Speak to me now

    I surrender."

  3. I am watching for and anticipating the return of the miraculous. Power from on high to change / move things that have not budged, but will now thanks be to God.
