Tuesday, January 15, 2019

7 Prayer Points

I thought it would  be a good time to remind everyone about our 7 Prayer Points. Since we are supposed to be praying a little more, I thought I'd give you something to pray about.  There are so many new people at the church, they may just think the banner on the stage is a decoration.  It is much more than that.  It is a declaration!

Even us "old-timers" need to be reminded of why we have that banner in the first place. So I will retell the story by asking you a question.  What single man has done more to spread the Gospel of Jesus than any other person on the planet?  Did you answer Billy Graham, or D. L Moody.  Maybe you said Billy Sunday or Oral Roberts.  These men had tremendous impact but all their efforts combined do not even come close to the impact of one man, Dr. Bill Bright.

Many of you have never even heard his name mentioned, but I bet you know his legacy.  Bill founded Campus Crusade for Christ, the largest parachurch ministry in the world.  Probably his most enduring legacy is the Jesus film, which he produced in 1979 as an evangelizing tool for missionaries with the help of his friend, oilman Nelson Bunker Hunt, who put up $4.5 million. Today, the film has been translated into 816 languages and has been seen by an estimated 5.6 billion people!

At the end of his life, Bill Bright was asked how he managed to be such a person of influence.  He said it was simple.  Every day for nearly 50 years, Bill bright prayed for four things, Laborers in the work of the Gospel, Open Doors to spread the Gospel, Supernatural Resources to fund the Gospel and Lasting Fruit, the result of the Gospel. These are the first four of our prayer points.  Then a few years ago, during a Daniel Fast, God impressed on me to add Return of the Miraculous, Divine Protection and A Great Awakening.

So if you're looking for something to pray for, pray these 7 prayer points.  Do them every day for the next 30, 40 or 50 years.  Maybe you will become the second most influential person in the world for the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Pastor Dale & Debi


  1. That was very interesting. I had never heard of him. My prayer list is growing.

  2. Yes we all need reminded of the focus points of our church corporate prayers. Since there are seven I take one for every day of the week. Today was laborers on my list. Our church is growing and so are the openings and opportunities for service. God send the workers as we bring in the harvest. Praise God !

  3. I love the idea of one prayer point for each day of the week Pastor Angie! Then I can spend more intent focus on each one!
