God did give us a brain to think. He gave us the ability to ponder and reason. Humanity has thought of some incredibly genius ideas. Humanity has also created pet rocks. God tells us to, "Lean not on your own understanding." That's because He knows our thing is flawed. Not only are we not as smart as we think we are, we are also damaged in the way we think. Our sinful nature has dumbed us down so to speak.
That is why I pray every year for Godly wisdom. My thinking is flawed. My thinking is incomplete. My thinking is far inferior to God's. He says in Isaiah 55, "As fas as the heavens are above the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher that's your thoughts." Every aspect of our lives are a reflection of the choices we make. Choices we make with our mind. So when our finances are a disaster, it is because we thought we could afford something we couldn't. When our marriages fall apart, it is because we thought some other person had what we needed. Now those are the big areas of life, but all the little areas of our life are a result of a thought.
That just makes me want to pray a little harder for wisdom. I know my mind or my heart can deceive me. I know I don't have all the answers. I know I haven't thought through every scenario of a decision and its consequences. That's is when I am greatful for this passage. James 1:5 (NLTSE)
If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.
One of the benefits of the Daniel Fast is "special wisdom". That's what Daniel received when he fasted. It is what we receive as well. When we fast our brains work more efficiently. (this is medically proven fact). But, our spiritual mind is also enhanced. So we get the natural boost from a brain not bogged down with sugars, caffeine and preservatives. And we also get the spiritual boost from a mind that is more in tune with the true source of wisdom.
So what are you struggling with? God has a solution and the Daniel Fast is a good time to appropriate the special wisdom you need.
I often pray for wisdom but it did not make it to my fast prayer list. I will have to add it.
ReplyDeleteMy son-in-law always says to my grandchildren when they leave the house "Make good choices".
May we all keep in mind each morning to "Make right choices"
Yes a big thumbs up for wisdom. In ministry and every day life we need wisdom. Lord show us what and how to say your truth at just the right time to just the right heart with just the right amount of love.