Wow! Day 21. To all of you who persevered and made it, thank you. But my thanks was not what you were looking for. You were looking for answers to your prayers. You were looking for things to change. I can promise you they have. Let's go back and look at that very first Daniel Fast and gain some understanding of how fasting and prayer works in God's kingdom.
In Daniel chapter 10, we read the account of the very first 21 day Daniel Fast. Daniel had received a vision. It was a terrifying and troubling vision. It was a vision of things to come. Now this vision caused Daniel some distress. He goes for 21 days without meat or wine or choice foods. He doesn't even use deodorant! And at the end of 21 days, God sends an angel with the answer. Daniel 10:12 (NIV) Then he continued, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.
Here we get some great insight into prayer, fasting and spiritual warfare. First, Daniel's prayer is heard instantly. Second, Daniel's answer is also immediate... but the delivery is delayed. This angel had to be a powerful being. It says the Prince of Persia (which was a demonic spiritual being) resisted him for 21 days. And finally, Michael, the Archangel, came and assisted him. When we pray, our prayers are always heard and they are always answered. Sometimes immediately, sometimes with a "no", but sometimes the answers are hindered by the enemy. The sad thing for us is that we don't always know if God is saying "wait" or if the enemy is delaying our answer.
This is where fasting breaks through. I can promise you the things you have been praying for over the last 21 days, the answer is on the way. There may be delay. There may be opposition. There may be all out spiritual warfare because of the magnitude of your prayers. I do not know when your answer will come. I do not know when my answers will come. But, I do know that no demon in hell, no principality or power, no ruler of darkness, no spiritual wickedness in high places will ever be able to prevent my answer from getting to me. And that makes the Daniel Fast worth it all.
In the days ahead, as you go back to your "regular" life, I want you to rest in the knowledge that God's answer is on the way. I look forward to hearing the testimonies of the breakthroughs you experience as a result of the Daniel Fast. Thank you again for joining me on this amazing journey.
Love you all!
Pastor Dale & Debi
Thank you Pastor! This has been an amazing journey.