Wednesday, January 16, 2019

In God's Forge

Yesterday, we met with a young couple going through a tough time in their ministry. As we sat and listened to their story it brought back memories of our "dark night of the soul". Many years ago, the church we attended went through an ugly split. (all church splits are ugly). After much prayer, we decided to leave with the pastor who was dismissed and spent the next 7 years with him. As we rose into leadership in that church, we eventually found out why he was dismissed because the same problems surfaced in the new church. We wound up leaving that church, going back to the original church. We repented to the leadership of the church and they welcomed us back. But going through the process was very difficult. I remember praying, "God, you called me to be a pastor. How can I lead people if I missed you so badly? His answer to me was one of the most defining moments in my spiritual life.

God lead me to a scripture in Isaiah 54. Everyone knows Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed against you will prosper!" But not everyone knows the verse directly before that one. Isaiah 54:16 (NIV) See, it is I who created the blacksmith who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit for its work. When I read that verse, I understood that those 7 years were God's forge to prepare me for my future ministry. I realized God taught me a lot about ministry. He taught me what NOT to do!

We all go through seasons of struggle and doubt. Some seasons are results of our own decisions. Some seasons are the result of other people's decisions, either way, God is the blacksmith. So even in our mistakes, God is molding us, shaping us, and yes, even hammering us. But it is all for the purpose to make us into a weapon He can use!  

In that season of our life, I learned to not question my decisions. I learned that God can redeem any decision I make if I am sincerely yielding to him. I learned that God uses every situation in our lives, good and bad, to mold us into the shape He desires. When life seems to hammer us, ultimately it is God who holds the hammer. I can honestly say in that moment, I learned to trust the Blacksmith.

 Pastor Dale & Deb

If you want to hear an amazing song about God's forge, listen to Bebo Norman's, The Hammer Holds.


  1. It takes a lifetime to completely trust The Blacksmith. The Word reminds me each day. But my goal is always to a weapon He can use.

  2. Wow! Thank you for that testimony.

  3. Thank you for that word. It definitely gave me a different perspective and I thank you God for holding the hammer. Shape me to be a strong and mighty weapon for You. I also loved the song, thanks for sharing.

  4. So many times I have asked God over the years why did I have to go through this that or the other etc ... and every time not long from that moment I experienced something or was able to help someone simply because I had the knowledge from the prior situation to help handle the one in front of me. God works it for our good and his glory... ...always

  5. Every circumstance we go through, good and bad can be used for God's glory. When I go through one of those struggling times I turn my pain back over to God. Mold me, shape me, use me, Lord.

    As I write this, "This Little Light of Mine," pops into my head. I'm not going to hide my experiences under a bushel. When someone around me is going through what I've been through, God has equipped me to share my experience, His strength and His promise of hope.
